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史蓓蓓 博士



2016.09 — 2022.06 就读于西北农林科技大学 植物保护 博士

2012.09 — 2016.06 就读于贵州大学 植物保护 本科




[1] Shi, B., Wang, J., Gao, H., Yang, Q., Wang, Y., Day, B., & Ma, Q. (2021). The small GTP-binding protein TaRop10 interacts with TaTrxh9 and functions as a negative regulator of wheat resistance against the stripe rust. Plant science, 309, 110937.

[2] Shi, B., Zhao, X., Li, M., Dong, Z., Yang, Q., Wang, Y., Gao, H., Day, B., & Ma, Q. (2021). Wheat thioredoxin (TaTrxh1) associates with the RD19-like cysteine protease TaCP1 to defend against stripe rust fungus through the modulation of programmed cell death. Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 34(4), 426-438.

[3] Shi, B.B., Wang, J., Gao, H. F., Zhang, X. J., & Ma Q. (2021). The TaFIM1 gene mediates wheat resistance against Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and responds to abiotic stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(7), 1849-1857.

[4] Shi, B., Lian, Q., Gao, H., Wang, Y., & Ma, Q. (2024). TaCAP1 interacts with TaLHCB1s and positively regulates wheat resistance against stripe rust. Phytopathology, 114(7):1646-1656.

[5] Shi, B., Liu, W., & Ma, Q. (2023). The Wheat Annexin TaAnn12 plays positive roles in plant disease resistance by regulating the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and callose. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(22), 16381.


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