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毛仁俊 副教授





1. 中药材规范化栽培技术与产业现代化;

2. 特色植物资源的收集与评价利用;

3. 药用植物次生代谢物积累与调控机制的解析。


1. 陕西省科技厅项目:决明萘甲酸盐合成酶基因功能的研究(2021-2023);

2. 陕西省教育厅项目:决明SoDAHPS基因在橙黄决明素合成中的功能(2021-2023);

3. 延安市高层次人才专项:基于形态-化学-分子特性的决明子药材品质研究(2019-2022)。


1. Comprehensive analysis of NAC transcription factors in Scutellaria baicalensis and their response to exogenous ABA and GA3, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023(中科院1区TOP,通讯作者).

2. 决明Aux/IAA和ARF基因家族鉴定、表达及蛋白互作分析. 药学学报. 2023,(通讯作者)

3. Transcriptome and HPLC Analysis Reveal the Regulatory Mechanisms of Aurantio-Obtusin in Space Environment-Induced Senna obtusifolia Lines. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022(中科院3区,第一作者)

4. Dynamic analysis of physiological indices and transcriptome profiling revealing the mechanisms of the allelopathic effects of phenolic acids on Pinellia ternata. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022(中科院2区TOP,通讯作者)

5. Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit: A review of its germplasm resources, genetic diversity and active components. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 2020(中科院2区 TOP,第一作者)

6. Physiological, transcriptional, and metabolic alterations in spaceflight-subjected Senna obtusifolia. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019.(中科院2区,第一作者)

7. Identification of seeds based on molecular markers and secondary metabolites in Senna obtusifolia and Senna occidentalis. Botanical Studies, 2017, 58: 43. (中科院3区,第一作者)

8. Genetic diversity and population structure assessment of Chinese Senna obtusifolia L. by molecular markers and morphological traits of seed. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2018, 40: 12. (中科院3区,第一作者)


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