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姜文婷 副教授








目前主持陕西省科协公共素质提升计划研究项目、陕西省教育厅项目等10余项,参与各类国家和省部级项目近10项。近年来,在Frontiers in Nutrition,Palnt soil and Environment, Agronomy Journal等主流SCI期刊发表论文11余篇。


1.Wenting Jiang, Lihui Yang, Shuping He, Liu, Xiaohu. Dynamics in C, N, and P stoichiometry and microbial biomass following soil depth and vegetation types in low mountain a nd hill region of China, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11 (1) : 0-19631

2.Wenting Jiang, Xiaohu Liu, Wen Qi, Xiaonan Xu, Yucui Zhu. Using QUEFTS model for estimating nutrient requirements of maize in the Northeast China. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2017, 63 (11): 498-504.

3.Wenting Jiang, Xiaohu Liu, Xiukang Wang, Yuan Yin. Characteristics of Yield and Harvest Index, and Evaluation of Balanced Nutrient Uptake of Soybean in Northeast China. Agronomy. 2019, 9(6), 310-319.

4.Wenting Jiang,Yingying Xing, Xiukang Wang, Xiaohu Liu, Zhigang Cui.Developing a Sustainable Management Strategy for Quantitative Estimation of Optimum Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendation Rates for Maize in Northeast China. Sustainability. 2020, 12(7), 2607-2619.

5.Wenting Jiang, Xiaohu Liu, Xiukang Wang, Lihui Yang, Yuan Yin. Improving Phosphorus Use Efficiency and Optimizing Phosphorus Application Rates for Maize in the Northeast Plain of China for Sustainable Agriculture.Plant soil and Environment. 2019, 11(17), 4799-4813.

6.Wenting Jiang,Xiukang Wang, Yingying Xing, Xiaohu Liu, Zhigang Cui, Lihui Yang. Enhancing Rice Production by Potassium Management: Recommended Reasonable Fertilization Strategies in Different Inherent Soil Productivity Levels for a Sustainable Rice Production System.Sustainability. 2019, 11(22), 6522-6535.

7.Wenting Jiang, Xiaohu Liu, Ying Wang, Yu Zhang, Wen Qi. Responses to Potassium Application and Economic Optimum K Rate of Maize under Different Soil Indigenous K Supply. 2018, 10 (7), 2267-2277.

8.Wenting Yan,Wenting Jiang, Xiaori Han, Wei Hua, Jifeng Yang, Peiyu Luo. Simulating and Predicting Crop Yield and Soil Fertility under Climate Change with Fertilizer Management in Northeast China Based on the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer Model. Soil Science , 2020, 12(7), 2607.

9.Yingying Xing,Wenting Jiang, Xiaolong He, Sajjd Flaz, Shakeel Ahmad, Xin Lei, Wenqiang Wang, Yanfeng Wang, Xiukang Wang. A review of nitrogen translocation and nitrogenuse efficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2019,42(19): 2624-2641.

10.Yingying Xing, Xiaoli Niu, Ning Wang,Wenting Jiang,Yaguo Gao, Xiukang Wang. The Correlation between Soil Nutrient and Potato Quality in Loess Plateau of China Based on PLSR. Sustainability. 2020,12(4),1588.

11.Yang Li, Shiyu Dong, Bingyue Tang, Hongtao Zou,Wenting Jiang. SAn unexpected synthesis and application of ethyl 2,4-bis(chloromethyl)-6- iodoquinoline-3- carboxylate. Research on Chemical Intermediates. 2020, 46, 2215-2228 .



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